Post by Mob Dogg on May 4, 2003 22:37:29 GMT -5
Alright my name on runescape is Mob Dogg and I want in a clan but not just any new clan I want in one that is properly established plus doesnt just acceot anyone.
My Skills are as follows:
Combat 46 Mining 51 Smithing 41 Craftin 18 Cooking 40 Fishing 37 Ranged 19
I am very familiar with the Runescape world as Ive played on and off for about 2 years.
Please contact me on Runescape or via email at Krayzie_Abo@hotmail.com or here even if you are interested in accepting me. I am a very keen miner.
Mob DOgg
Post by VJ DA BALLA on May 5, 2003 14:36:12 GMT -5
Hey dude we would like to have someone with such good skills, we accept members 30 level and up, your skills would be helpful, you don't have to give us money and things like that, if another member needs some stuff, you could help, it would be something good to do, but you aren't forced to, we go on pk trips, and if someone need better armor and another has extra theyusualy sell it cheaper than normal, our site is runewarriors2.tripod.com contact us through there or add VJ DA BALLA for me and Dean4 for the leader or the clan, he isn't on much lately, so just add me. better dayz ;D