Post by audacity on Apr 26, 2003 15:09:52 GMT -5
ok heres the deal. to join you must be pure at least level 30 with mithril armour and 2h or better. wear blue capes guys and green girls. i will accept good archers beacause they are very usefull for pking. it helps if you are high level in something like cooking, fishing, mining, or smithing. i haven't thought of a definite name yet so feel free to suggest. my character's name is audacity. you could also talk to my inpure character aquareo. my E-mail is aquareo@lycos.com
Post by audacity on Apr 26, 2003 15:29:38 GMT -5
i think the names annihilators or eradicaters might work.
Post by minge on Apr 26, 2003 18:44:33 GMT -5
** Please refrain from insulting other people's clans. **
Post by audacity on Apr 27, 2003 13:00:34 GMT -5
** flaming removed - please use the Flames and Rants board instead **
Post by Autominer on Apr 27, 2003 15:22:11 GMT -5
Go to ** URL removed **. There you can download an autominer which includes an automatic trainer, fisher, miner, smelter, woodcut, etc. for free. The process takes place by recorded clicks and even searches for a banker in the bank and can go to the bed for a never-ending process that brings your skill up. It comes in handy when you want to get your mining up so you can mine runite ore, or even get almost any other skill up. There is even an autocustom feature.
** Macro programs are illegal in RuneScape - your IP is now permanently banned from here. **